“I work with people of all ages who are seriously searching for meaning and purpose in their lives. I can help you read and explore the karmic blueprint your soul has chosen for this lifetime. Discover your unique gifts, strengths and potential ... and the journey your soul has undertaken. I use astrology, birth chart readings, meditation and spiritual counselling in my consultations and workshops, both online and in person on the Mornington Peninsula.”
Have you ever wondered ...Who am I? Really?
We live in a time where we have lost touch with ourselves. We’re so focused on what’s happening around us, we forget who we are, what we want and where we're going ... or perhaps we never really knew. Nature has provided each of us with a perfect energetic blueprint, but how do we tune in to our inner selves?
I can help you find yourself. I use and teach ancient techniques of meditation, energy medicine and astrology to open a window into your energetic blueprint. I can help you self-nurture and look deeper into your mind and emotional make-up to discover the stories you tell yourself that block your potential. We'll focus on your highest gifts, strengths and karmic or ancestral inheritance. With the insights revealed, you'll become open to living from a space of self-knowledge, integrity and acceptance. You'll discover energy you didn't know you had that will allow you to tap in to your divine purpose and experience the joy of your unique humanity, perfect in its imperfection.
As someone who understands what it is to be sensitive, I have found Astrology, Meditation, Homoeopathy and Shamanic practice to transform my life...
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