Chiron: Working with our wound

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Chiron: Working with our wound


What does it mean to have a wound that never heals and how do we manage it? Chiron, the wounded healer archetype represents the primal trauma of separation or alienation deep within our psyche. While the wound stays open, over time it becomes our greatest teacher and the means by which we help others.In this 2 hour workshop we explore the implications of the myth, the location by sign and house of our Chiron and a shamanic approach to working with our pain. We also look at Chiron transits and the Chiron Return which occurs in the early fifties.

Next Mt Eliza workshops Friday 20 April 2018.

Next Online workshop Friday 27 April 2018 

$30 per person

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Fill in the registration form online ensuring your birth details are as accurate as possible, including your time of birth.

Please bring a notebook and pen to the session if you wish to take notes.