Meetup - 2021: The Year Ahead


Meetup - 2021: The Year Ahead


2020 was a year of trauma and change for most of us, so I'm feeling some trepidation in saying I'm looking forward to 2021. This month's Meetup will look at an overview of the year ahead. We'll focus on the transition from Earth to Air, and look at the major transit for this year - the three hits of Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. How will our new era of Air begin to unfold? What will be the main features and challenges to face this year? And of course, we'll look at our own charts and see what it means for us personally. For now, we'll stick to the online Meetups, and I'll be doing the talk again this month. This year the cost of the Meetup will increase to $20. Please register before 5 pm on Friday 8th January. All people registering will be emailed a Zoom link early on the day of the Meetup.

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