Meet-up - Astrology and the Spiritual Path


Meet-up - Astrology and the Spiritual Path


We all know that astrology can help us discover our individual personality and inform our ongoing life choices, but how can it be used to facilitate a spiritual practice? Our birth chart portrays the choice we made to incarnate. It shows our unique and divine role in the unfolding history of the World Soul.  When we explore its nature, we can uncover the lens we see the world through, allowing us to create the space necessary to sustain consciousness or a witness perspective. Taking this perspective, we become empowered to cut through the hidden crystallizations we were born with and open to our true nature - our inner joy. In this Meet-up, we will play with the theories and concepts behind astrology and spirituality; investigate the nature of our life on this planet, and hopefully get closer to an understanding of who we really are and how we see the world. Please register before 5 pm on Friday 11th September. All people registering will be emailed a Zoom link early on the day of the Meet-up.

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