Meetup - Eclipses: Re-aligning our karmic pathway


Meetup - Eclipses: Re-aligning our karmic pathway


It's eclipse season again! Eclipses can only occur when a Full Moon or a New Moon occurs close to the lunar nodes - the axis of destiny - suggesting a strong karmic element to every eclipse ... something mysterious which interrupts the flow of destiny unfolding in our DNA. Something offering us the possibility of shifting paths, re-aligning our life journey. In this Meetup, we’ll look at the dynamics of an eclipse, focusing specifically on the two eclipses in November and December - how they might impact us as a society as we move out of lockdown here in Victoria, and how they affect our individual birth charts. Please register before 5 pm on Friday 13th November. All people registering will be emailed a Zoom link early on the day of the Meet-up.

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