Meetup - The Sun


Meetup - The Sun


Light, warmth, energy, life …. all astrologers acknowledge the Sun to be the most important planet in the birth chart but it is seriously under discussed in the literature! This month we'll focus on what the Sun means in our charts by sign and by house, and how we can nourish and enhance the flow of its energy. We'll look at the cycles of the Sun and how they impact us, and delve into a little traditional astrology to explore the concepts associated with the Sun - 'under the beams', 'combust' and 'cazimi'. And of course, we'll look at our own charts and explore exactly how our personal Sun shines! This year the cost of the Meetup is $20. Please register before 5 pm on Friday 12th February. All people registering will be emailed a Zoom link early on the day of the Meet-up.

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