Pluto in Aquarius workshop


Pluto in Aquarius workshop

from A$25.00

Pluto is a power planet, asking us to face our deepest fears, to deal with our shadow, find our true power and ultimately transform our lives. He has been travelling through Capricorn since 2008 bringing to the surface our ugly underbelly in many areas including financial markets, government structures and control, moral perspectives on gender equality and rights. Last year we saw him enter Aquarius for just over 3 months, and a couple of weeks ago he re-entered Aquarius where he'll stay now till 2043, aside from another short retrograde later this year. So how will this impact us? Aquarius governs IT, privacy, electronics, space travel, 'alternative' groups, revolutions ... and much more. What can we expect as Pluto enters the sign of radical change and unleashes his landmines to transform our lives?

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In this workshop, we’ll look at the exciting changes Pluto in Aquarius may precipitate - how it may play out on the world stage, the kinds of challenges we may personally encounter on the way, and how it will impact our individual birth charts.

On this week - Saturday February 10 from 2 - 4.30 pm. You can attend in person in Mt Eliza, or if you're further away please join us online via Zoom. Cost is $30 or $25 concession, including afternoon tea if you’re attending in person at Mt Eliza.