Workshop - Working with the Wheel of the Year


Workshop - Working with the Wheel of the Year

from A$25.00

We experience the impact of the Sun's cycle more than any other - not just in seasonal changes to our climate, but in the changes that occur as the Sun moves through the signs.  From the beginning of human civilisation, our lives have centred around the motion of the Sun, yet in this 21st century, many of us have completely lost touch with what our ancestors took for granted. In this workshop, I'll be focusing, not only on the astronomy and astrology of the solar cycle, but introducing ancient shamanic perspectives and traditional ayurvedic lifestyle wisdom. Astrologers read the chart for the Winter Solstice - the Cancer ingress - looking for portents for the new solar cycle beginning, and how it may impact us both as a society, and as individuals. So, we'll look at our personal charts to see how this new Sun cycle will touch our lives.

The format for these workshops will begin with the presentation, a break for afternoon tea, then a discussion session looking at our own charts, exploring how the topic will impact each one of us. These sessions are suited to beginners, as well as to people who are more advanced in their astrology knowledge. This workshop will be in-person in Mount Eliza, or streamed live online via Zoom. Cost is $30 or $25 concession - payment may be made either by cash on the day or 
to pay by credit card, click here. Please either book in online, or RSVP to this email to let me know you're coming so I can send you my address and have your birth chart ready.

This will be a small group - plenty of opportunity for hands-on questions and working with our own personal birth charts, not to mention the chance to meet up with others who love astrology and discuss what's happening in the heavens! 

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